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SACT I, Science

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SACT II, Science

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Assistant Professor & Head, Science

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About the Department

The Department was started in the year 1980 with B.Sc. General  Course. One full time teacher started the department with 25 students. It was very hard to establish a subject which is unknown to the students of this area. Though that time, the teacher gave his meticulous effort to establish an unknown subject here. The lab of the department is fully equipped with modern instruments for the fulfilment of practical curriculum of the syllabus. Anthropology is the scientific study of human, the students got the theoretical aspects of the subject and apply the same concept in the real field of overall and personal development and move toward the new avenues of life with confidence. The department with the support of the institute provides an opportunity for those deprived class of people who live near by the island of Sundarban and who can’t go beyond the Sundarban Island for economic, family and communication related reasons outside the coastal area of Sundarbans and nearby for further & higher studies.

Key Highlights:

  • The department not only fulfilling the course but provides quality education to the   students so that they can prepare themselves in various competitive examinations.
  •  The department of Anthropology has done fieldworks in every year among various tribes and castes of Sundarbans with the students.
  • The department with the collaboration of Department of History organized a one day national level webinar on ‘Sundarban its culture Flora and fauna’ on 11th September 2021.
  • Organized seminar / webinar in quarterly basis. 
  •  Field excursion is done in yearly basis.

 Strength & Weakness:

  • Provide diversified subject knowledge along with career orientation in the field of Anthropology in the remote area of Sundarbans Island in which student face the basic communication problem to reach the institute.

The department strength in terms of students’ enrolment is less.

Best Practices of the Department:

  • Practical Based Teaching.
  • Provide Competitive Examination Classes for WBCS in Anthropology.
  • Differentiated assignment and homework

Future Plan:

The department of Anthropology is planning to introduce Honours course for the students so that they can do masters in their field and reach to the final destination of higher studies.


Sl No Title Syllabus View
2 NEP Syllabus

Departmental Notices

Sl No Title Notice View
1 Begining of B.Sc. 1ST year class
2 Special class notice
3 Class test notice
4 Departmental seminar notice 2015
5 class test notice 2015
6 B.Sc. 1st year class starting notice 2015
7 Departmental seminar
8 Notice for Special class
9 Departmental Presentation by the students
10 Mid term Examination
11 B. Sc. part 2 practical examination
12 B.Sc. part 3 practical examination
13 Semester 1 general practical examination CBCS

Curricular Delivery Schedule

Sl No Title Question View

Po & Co

Sl No Title Question View
1 Po & Co CBCS
3 PO 1+1+1 System

Previous Year Question Papers

Sl No Title Question View


Course offered

B.A/B.Sc. (CBCS & NEP)


Research Work
  • Socio Economic Status of the Nachnis of Purulia: An Anthropological Study, IJCRT, 2023, 11, 1, 2320-2882
  • Globalisation and Human Side of Tech during the Pandemic of Covid-19, North Bengal  Anthropologist annually, 2022, 10, 38-54, 2320-8376.
  • NEP 2020; its future possibilities with special reference to Purulia, West Bengal, ABS Books Publisher and Exporter,2021, 113--120, 978-81-951369-8-8
  • Association of ABO Blood Group with the Prognosis of Gynaecological Cancer Patient: A Study on Bengali Hindu Caste Group of West Bengal, India. Springer Link. 2018. 
  • A Typo-technological Study of Scrapers found from the Site Lakridungri, in PurbiSingbhum district of Jharkhand. Journal of the Dept. of Anthropology. CU. 2018. Vol. 18. 3-13.
  • An Account of Palaeolithic Cultural Remains found from the site Jagannathpur in PurbiSinghbhum district of Jharkhand, Eastern India. Proceedings of the 3rd National Scientific Conference of Vietnam Natural Museum System. Hanoi. Vietnam. 2021. Vol. 5. 625-631. ISBN: 978-604-9988-03-5.
  • BallalDhipi in Nadia District of West Bengal: An Archeological Review. Journal of Heritage, Archaeology & Management (JHAM). 2021.Vol.1. 10-17. E-ISSN: 2583-4126.
  • Homage to Robert Foote: The Founder of Prehistoric Archaeology in India. Annals of Anthropological Research & Reviews. SKBU. 2022. Vol.2. No. 1. 1-13. ISSN: 2583-0570.
  1. Chalchitra: The Evolution of Backdrop Artistry of Durga Idol in Bengal. In D. Basu (Ed.), Durga-Mahishasuramardini, A Lesser Tale of Tradition, Iconography & Worship. (pp. 72-74). Kolkata. BanglarPuratattvaPrakasana. 2022. ISBN: 978-81-953388-1-8.



Departmental facilities

The Department has a well equipped laboratory for the fulfillment of the practical works. ABO blood grouping test, PTC testing, estimated blood pressures, heart rate, oxygen intake capacity and BMI can be measured in our department. 


Deapartmental Activities

Department of Anthropology always remain engaged in collaboration with the other department like Economics, English, History, Physics and with the NSS Cell of the college for development and betterment of the students. The Programme includes Socio Economic Development Programme, Budget Discussion, and Business Idea Plan & Poster Competition of various Government Schemes (Govt. of West Bengal).

The department of Anthropology and department of History of Sundarban Hazi Desarat college in collaboration with Paschimbanga Itihas Samsad jointly organised a one day National Webinar on ' Sundarban Its Culture Flora and Fauna' on 11th September, 2021. The webinar was started by the enlightening inaugural address by President of the Governing Body of Sundarban Hazi Desarat college Dr. Debabrata Singha. Renowned resource person, Prof Anuradha Kayal, Professor,  department of History, Rabindra Bharati University delivered her lecture on ' Reconstructing colonial Sundarban: Society, Culture, and Public Health, A History overview.' Another resource person, Dr. Jagdeep Oraon, Assistant professor, department of Anthropology, Sidho Kanho Birsha University, Purulia delivered his lecture on' Indigenous people of Sundarban and their Economy: A study on the effects of Disasters'. Students were joined in this webinar in a huge number. More than 250 students joined in this webinar. Moreover,students were enriched with the webinar. The IQAC co- ordinator , Dr Uttam Kumar Guru greeted the Vote of Thanks to all the participants and the webinar was a successful one.

On the last 10th and 11th March of 2022, the Dept. of Anthropology took an initiative to conduct a Two-day Physiological Camp within the college campus comprising various biological parameters and tests. The camp was coordinated by the faculties of the said department namely Mr. Tamal Dutta and Mrs. Arita Roy. The camp was provided with ABO blood grouping test, PTC testing, estimated blood pressures, heart rate, oxygen intake capacity and BMI. More than of 140 individuals were participated whom were suggested about their health and hygiene. 

The department in collaboration with The Indian Anthropological Society and financially Assisted by The Anthropological Survey of India has conducted a two day National Level Seminar on 4-5th August 2023. The seminar was designed with three Memorial lectures and three Invited lectures. The speakers were  from different   Universities of West Bengal . it was a successful one. 

Department has done extensive fieldwork for the partial fulfillment of the syllabus. 

Contact Us

contact details

Department of Anthropology , Sundaraban Hazi Desarat College, Pathankhali, South 24 PGs, 743611 

  1. HOD, Braja Mohan samal)
  2. Arita Roy)
  3. Tamal Dutta)