![]() Dr. Tarun Mandal |
Located in the outlying area of the Sundarbans and plagued with communicational bottlenecks, woeful grid supply, our college has, however, traversed a long and eventful journey for 61 years! The college started with a humble tile-roofed building, but the undaunted zeal and spirit of the staff and people of the locality in the early years enabled it to metamorphose, though on a slow pace, into an institution that can now boast of a number of large buildings and separate hostel campuses for boys and girls. Having once struggled myriad odds, the college has been successful in building academic careers of many students who are now well placed in life. Taking charge of the college has enabled me to pursue my long-cherished dreams about transforming this college into an ideal one. Despite financial handicaps, the college authority has managed to undertake basic infrastructure development like proper sanitation, extension of drinking water facilities, renovation and repair of administrative buildings, existing classrooms and boys’ hostel, conversion normal classrooms into smart ones. Two rain-water harvesting systems were constructed one with financial assistance from P C Chandra Group under CSR, the other fully funded by the college. Both office and library have been automated. Full-proof arrangements have been made for power back-up for 24 hours in the campus to address the appalling grid supply in these areas. In the last year our development activities included renovation of library, old girls’ hostel, science building, main gate of the college and in-campus pavement and setting up of a new gymnasium for use by girl students. The academic development has been noticeable during the last two years. Mathematics Honours course was introduced in the session 2020-21. To open Honours courses in the subjects of Zoology, Botany, Anthropology, Sanskrit, Philosophy and Physical Education is in the pipeline. To enhance employability skills as many as nine Add-on courses were introduced since 2019-20 session. To attain academic excellence, several teaching learning reform initiatives have been undertaken, like restructuring of college website to make it more student information-centric, introduction of LMS, online feedback system, online open public access catalogue system, repository, ICT based teaching facility in all classrooms, micro-teaching group discussion, student seminar and wall magazine, SMS gateway. The college prides itself on launching a mobile app Chanakya – a student-teacher interface meant mainly for mentoring, but accommodating enough to keep all class related data in a single database. Students’ support and progression is on top of our priority list, and to see some bright minds being groomed here under our tutelage despite so many disadvantages at their ends, we dream, many of them would flourish in life, contributing to nation building. |